J.R. Woodruff Company

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Heavy Duty Industrial Equipment Experts

We offer Rugged equipment for Manufacturing, Oil and Gas, Steel Mills, Metals Recycling, Mining, Pulp and Paper, Aluminum, Ship Building, Pipe Mills, Port Cranes and many other industries.


The J.R. Woodruff Company was established to provide heavy-duty electrical and mechanical equipment for a wide range of industrial applications.  We represent only the finest manufacturers and use our hard earned experience to apply the appropriate equipment to the task. 

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Bushman Equipment
Custom Engineered Material Lifting Solutions 
Ohio Magnetics
Innovative Lifting Magnets, equipment and  Magnet Systems
Xtek, Inc.
high quality custom machined & heat-treated components for heavy-duty industrial applications
TransTech a Wabtec Company
Engineering & Manufacturing products that provide electricity to moving machines
Ludlum Measurements
industrial strength Radiation detection instruments and technologies 
Kinetics Industries
solid state rectified power supplies & converter systems for synchronous motors
Stearns Magnetics
Magnetic separation systems - drums, magnetic pulleys & suspended separations
Lenox instruments
boiler and furnace camera systems for high heat industrial applications
Purmadur Industries
superior quality permanent magnet lifting solutions

Our equipment in service

J.R. Woodruff - Line Sheet

Ametek Automation & Process Technologies/Gemco – (formerly MagneTek/Wagner Brake Products)- Peck, Michigan - Industrial Brake Systems – Hydraulic & Electric, Disc and Electro-Thrust brakes, Catrac – Cable and Hose Carrier, Gemco – Programmable Limit Switches, Linear and Rotary Position Sensors, Linear Displacement Transducers, PLC Bus Cards, Camboxes and DeviceNet Sensors.

Bushman Equipment - Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin - Custom engineered material handling equipment – Below the Hook: C-hooks, Coil Grabs, Coil Lifters, Spreader Beams, Hook Blocks, Flip-Rite, Level-Rite, Load Weighing, Sheet Lifters, Plate Lifters, Pallet Lifters, Lifting Tongs, Roll Lifters, Rotating Axis Grabs, Jib Cranes, and Gantry Cranes. Floor Based: Upenders, Die and Mold Carts, Scissor Lift Tables, Load Inverters, and Transfer Cars. Bushman offers complete repair and reconditioning service on all types of material handling equipment.

Ohio Magnetics - Cleveland, OH - Ohio Magnetics, Inc. is recognized as a world leader in the development of lifting magnet systems and magnetic separation equipment for various applications. The Ohio Magnetics team, equipped with a century of technical experience, provides custom engineered solutions to meet specific application requirements. 

Kinetics Control Systems - Trenton, New Jersey - Complete line of Solid-State Rectified Power Supplies, Converter Systems, and Field Application Systems for Synchronous Motors. 

Ludlum Measurements - Sweetwater, TX - Complete line of Radiation Detection Equipment – Handheld Survey Meters and Gateway Monitoring Systems for the Steel and Metals Recycling Industries.   

Transtech (A Wabtech Company) - Piedmont, S.C. - High Amperage Conductor Bar and Collectors, Bus Supports, Connectors, and Insulators.

Xtek - Cincinnati, Ohio - Custom design manufacturer of Gearing, Couplings, U-Joints, Brake Wheels, Crane Wheels, Sheave Wheels, Rope Drums, Rolling Mill Rolls, and Industrial Gear Boxes. Reverse Engineering, Repair and Reconditioning Services Available.  

Lenox Instrument Company - Trevose, PA - Lenox Instruments has been a custom borescope manufacturer in the U.S. since 1920. Our borescope products include Videoscopes, Flexible Fiberscopes, Rigid Borescopes, Micro Borescopes, Sectional Borescopes, Custom Borescopes and Borescope Accessories.  

Stearns Magnetics - Cleveland, OH (Division of Ohio Magnetics) - Solutions for ferrous material separation including:  Drums, Pulleys, Suspended Magnets, Controls, and Power Supplies.  Stearns also offers a full line of sweeper magnets.

Permadur - Hillsborough, NJ - Permadur offers a full line of Permanent Lifting Magnets, Load Positioners, Vacuum Lifting Systems, Electric Discharge Permanent Magnet Systems, and Plate Handling Magnet Solutions. 

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